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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Alan [蘭色 ~ Love Moon Light ~] EP

bought this today at hmv for $29.90

[蘭色 ~ Love Moon Light ~]





close up with lyrics book


Bling bling bling~ itouch case desu~

as promise, pic of my itouch case's deco

spend like an hour on it

love it~~~~

but it can be better, if i have more crystal to play with, i'm running low on supplies yesterday.

Therefore, i give this deco 65/100

full view


Uploaded with


the front is the original boring pink

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


bad sorethroat, making me unable to talk

drink lots of water and mum boiled for me bailey water, i feel better now.

going to bed~~~~

oh, and since i can't talk, it's so boring, i end up decorating my ipod touch case with crystals.

it's looking so bling bling bling now.

i'll post the picture of it tomorrow.

bye bye

Sunday, April 25, 2010

the meaning of life

feeling quite emo recently

i'm not sure am i doing the right thing or not

the more secrets u have, the more fear you will have if it were to crash one day

i'm used to being alone, then half spoiled by attention....then i'm back being alone, going by my own way

it should be like this, till attention are once again shown to me, suddenly i'm lost

i could say i rather be alone


(don't) leave me alone

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ayu Twitter! ayu_19980408


Ayu really start to use her twitter!!!

she's writing in english and japanese! her 2nd tweet:


Hi This is ayumi,I just wanna say hello in English to u guys. Im gonna tweet everyday. c u then!!! A world is ONE.......


she just started tweeting yesterday!

i had already tweet her some msgs....and thanking ayu

i still can't believe that i can get to ayu so almost directly! it's amazing~~~ (^_^)

tears of joy~~~

but now i'm worried, seeing that ayu end up sleeping almost 4am!!!! she will be spam by the huge amount of tweets, will she gets lesser sleep!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sold 2x F1~ (^_^)


guess my title says it all

i sod 2 pcs of F1 today!!!!!!


I only have 1 copy at my side, so i end up transfering another 1 from taka!
When i went there, T.J was there too.

ha ha, he must have thought that i was slacking, since it's around 6.30pm!

i had to take a cab to rush back to Vivo, coz the customers is leaving soon and will come back to the store within an hour time!

happy happy happy~~~~

on the way~~~

hoo hoo

YesAsia has ship out my Ayu's R'n'R Circus box set, i paid for express shipping s i think it should be here by friday or sat

as for the lottery, i think i got lucky and got the R'n'R poster, as it's not ship together with my cd.

it was to be ship together with my other posters, hmm...

but i would rather get the handwritten lyrics!!!!

*pray hard*

that would mean sooo much to me

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

cheap...or safe....

i was actually planning to stay in a hostel when i get to japan, but then zaine remind me of those.....haunted stories....

how could i forget about those! my worst nightmare!

what should i do???

i do a check on the net, and found some, but the price is USD$70 to USD$80. an i'm stayong for at least 6 days.



Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Coco Lee's Concert in Singapore


she will be coming to singapore in October!

i can't wait!!!!

i never saw her concert before, so excited!

Ayu [Rock'n'Roll Circus] First Press Poster

just unroll my poster this morning.'s okay..i don't really like this cover.

and to think that i'll end up with 3 copies of this!
one from my box set
another from the CD only(TeamAyu version)

oh well....i might just sell the extra off


Monday, April 12, 2010

Ayu [Rock'n'Roll Circus] CD+DVD & Photobook Pictures

woo hoo~

i receive my CD+DVD from CDJapan~~~


pis of photobook


Sunday, April 11, 2010


is there a truth behind the words

sometimes even when you heard words out of one's mouth, you still choose to doubt it


or silly?

i want to believe things with my own eyes

hearsay can be empty lies

this is what i always believe

NEXT LEVEL Tour 2009 AYUPANS Complete set Pic

Picture reposted from AHS.

Someone bought them at the concert today

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

the secret ayupan is.....

ayu with the glasses!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


they are sooo cute~~~



i want all of them~

Ayu [Rock'n'Roll Circus Tour] Setlist 10/04/10

Setlist for 10th April

01. THE Introduction
02. Microphone
03. Alterna
04. About you

- Video interlude -
05. Rainy day

- Taiko dance Interlude -
07. countdown
08. Memorial address

- Arabic Interlude -
09. Don't Look Back
11. Because of you

- Cabaret Interlude -
12. Sexy Little Things
13. STEP you (Casino themed large champagne glass)
14. Lady Dynamite

15. Jump! (outfit change)
16. until that day
17. SURREAL - evolution - SURREAL


18. Last Links
19. MC Part
20. Sunrise ~LOVE is ALL~
21. Boys & Girls
22. RED LINE ~for TA~

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ayu n kuu in may


Yay~ ~ ~ angel has found the concert tickets for both shows.
I had paid her through paypal already.

Kuu 18000 yen
ayu 10500 yen

thanks god they are still within my budget, or I'll be so broke, with the tour goodies to get. N don't forget that I still have to pay for other expenses, n I wanna go sight seeing too.

As for the ayupans, I give up on trying to buy at the concert, it will be sold out too fast.

I bought 18 pcs from mumo instead, really hope that I can get a set in them.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

New items: [7th May]

These arrive the other day



Alan Voice of You DVD (japan version)

i still don't have time to watch the dvd yet, i only download and watch part of the TV version


now i'm UNPATIENTLY waiting for my R'n'R Circus album to arrive.

I'll see which one comes faster, my CD+DVD at CDJ or the box set at YA(which i paid USD$33 more for express shipping)

90% is that the parcel from CDJ should arrive earlier.

Monday, April 5, 2010

life: unfairness

life is so unfair

sometimes it's not worth working your ass off, and your boss don't appeciate u. i have a friend who suffer from this fate and transfer to a crappy outlet

of coz, which means the sales there is quite bad.

Luckily, there are a lot of friends trying their best to help him out of the situation.

the worst part, the company only gave the poor staff a 3 days notice of the transfer.

very nice and considerate eh?


i seriously wonder why a company can make funny decisions without thinking. this isn't the first time that they send capable staffs to lousy outlets.

thankfully my company treats us well and respect us. i'm quite content here, it feels like a family.

i used to be so presured when i was in another outlet, the sales there are horrid and i don't like the millions rules that company had, not be mention making use of promoters.

i'm not a tiger in a cage, i'm a genie who flow freely

get that???? those reading this, do not try to control or manipulate me.
I WANT MY FREEDOM, and i'll respect you.

if u can't do this, then SHOO SHOO SHOO~~~~