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6_Jpop CDJapan

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


i wonder how long can i go on like this...

being missunderstood...

getting hurt, but have to wear a mask to hide

i don't feel like myself anymore

tried to help, but backfire

if i don't do or say anything, i'm taken for granted and end up getting wronged/blamed for...

there's a never a line to differ right or wrong.

what should i do


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cure Deco from Hunny Co

foud this great site this morning!

look their their deco works!

Facebook Link


Monday, April 18, 2011

not to love

not to hurt my loved ones, i rather not get too close to people, not falling in love again is on the top of my list.

not to hurt myself when people leave, i would rather not get too close to people...

to live is a pain

lust/jeolousy/greed/pride/slotch.... i had enough.

when my mum reaches her last breath, i'll have no more ties.

I'll follow my mum.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

fool? or not.

it's been 2 months since i last posted

so many things had happen...

11th mar, tsunami/earthquake in japan

lives were lost,
hearts were broken,
tears shred,
hopes were shattered

lost of a friend...

i had been thinking...
what should i be doing

instead of just staying here and doing nothing

so i made my decision

but whatever i am doing, people are objecting. or doubting me.

all i want is to help.

is it wrong being selfless?
