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Tuesday, September 20, 2011 or nursing home?

grandma was admited on sat, due to leg fracture.

But it's weird and really fishy. how on earth could she get leg fracture at the nursing home when she can't walk nor even move much???? wtf are the caretakers doing?

doc said her condition aren't good.

her leg fracture area is very near her skin, so her bone could just poke through her skin. and if that happens, she's too old for operation, so the doctors would have to put her to sleep....

the thought of the bone going through scares me

if she were to return to the nursing home, and they neglect her, i'm worried that she will be in pain for longer hours till the staff found if her bone were to go pass her skin.

but staying in the hospital could get costly in the long run, especially if my cousins and uncle's side don't want to bother.

what should i do?

dad, if only you were here...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

hate. hate. hate

i hate flu

i hate getting blocked nose

i hate not able to breathe normally!!!!!!

after 4 days of comex show, and setting up the concept counter at outlet, i finally get to rest tomorrow.

dead beat now.... but i seriously doubt i'll get a good night sleep, kept waking up numerious times in the wee hours for past 2 days.

hallo zombie genie!

it's so hot that i kept waking up in sweat!

gotta install air con or i will die from heat and bad sleep soon