CDJapan- Site for Jpop/Games/Anime Goodies and more!

6_Jpop CDJapan

Sunday, September 27, 2009

just posting.

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i got the rare pet 2 days ago!


dad feels better today, he;s able to talk and think.

in fact he had managed to call at least 8 calls to us today.

and insists for food, even though he's not allow solid food, just fluids.

Boys & Girls

Sunrise~LOVE is ALL~

Sunset~LOVE is ALL~

July 1st



Saturday, September 26, 2009

the final road?

'm just back from the hospital....

need to take a bath and go there again at noon

dad can't make it already, i had taken 2 days unpaid leave...

not enough sleep, wake up at 3am this morning, coz the doctor said his blood pressure is way too low, only 58!

oh no....

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dragonica Unrelease Campus Outfit

yes~~~~ i got last saturday at GCA

i'm so lucky, there's 15 sets, but till the last day only 3 or 4 were won!

woo~~~so cute~~~
as for the guy outfit, i probally give it to panda.

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oh, my sis bought 3 $10 icash cards but she end up with a GE laptop skin.

she's aiming for the woodie pet, but only one person got it out of 5!!! OMG!!! i wonder who's the lucky guy/gal?


i'm getting worried for dad, he's not himself again....

yesterday he lost his phone, it went to the laundry when they change his clothes, and mum said he's talking gibberish again, in fact not knowing whether is it day or night!!!

this morning, he called mum on her phone, i answer but there's no reply. then he hang up and called mine phone and again no reply, no matter how i was calling him. weird....

i hang up and call him back but he doesn't know what his talking either....

oh no....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

back again

dad's still in hospital

or rather he was discharge and admit within 1 day again, this had been repeating for the past 2 months.

i can even count how many days he stayed at home, which less then 3 days in 2 months!!!!

how long can he go on

how long must he suffer.

i'm scare whenever he fell down....

i seriously hate you, God. dad did not do anything wrong, he's a fine man and great dad! he don't deserve to suffer!

life's unfair

[17.09.09]Brand New Layout

YES! i totally change my layout!

finally got them to work!

spend 3 hours on it, i love the pinkish~~~

ho ho~~~~

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dragonica Babe Contest

i submit my portfolio pic for the contest, just for fun and the prizes.

i want those cash for my ChonChon

the first prize is 4 pcs of $20 icash card, special design! i'm eyeing those...


The search is on for the Ultimate Gamer Babe!

We're looking for our first Dragonica Community Ambassador, so if you think you have what it takes, or know someone who does, submit their picture here and let everyone take a look!

To check out the babes and begin nominating, click HERE to visit the contest page!


Fall'09 D-Babe gets:

[Full Set] First-Run Edition of Dragonica Collectible iCash* worth 80,000 cash points

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(*Designs are tentative and may be amended. Please allow up to 30days for card production and shipping.)

1st Runner Up:

40,000 cash points

2nd Runner Up:

30,000 cash points

3rd Runner Up:

20,000 cash points

4th Runner Up:

10,000 cash points


1 lucky voter who picks our winning babe will receive a set of Collectible iCash* cards as well!

i cash i here come!!!

倖田來未 TRICK Tour DVD Trailer

i can't wait for the dvd!!!

oct 21st

still another month more to go~

Monday, September 14, 2009

My ChonChon lvl! NOW 34

just like the title, wee~

wearing my fiery skylark set, so bling~

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updates on site

just add a shoutbox to my blog, still working how to customise my skin though.

but i don't have much time, just started on my job at taka, ouch my shoulder hurts!

i'm really no good at carrying heavy items, and those watch winders and jewelry boxes are so heavy.

not good.

have to find a back up, before i inujure my right arm one day and i have to say good bye to it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

[03.09.09]YesAsia Stuff

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these arrive today from yesasia

Asia Tour 2008 Muffler Towel x2
PCDL 08-09 Handphone strap x2
PCDL 08-09 tape
PCDL 08-09 ayupan x hello kitty letter set
PCDL 08-09 wristband black