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6_Jpop CDJapan

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dragonica Unrelease Campus Outfit

yes~~~~ i got last saturday at GCA

i'm so lucky, there's 15 sets, but till the last day only 3 or 4 were won!

woo~~~so cute~~~
as for the guy outfit, i probally give it to panda.

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oh, my sis bought 3 $10 icash cards but she end up with a GE laptop skin.

she's aiming for the woodie pet, but only one person got it out of 5!!! OMG!!! i wonder who's the lucky guy/gal?


i'm getting worried for dad, he's not himself again....

yesterday he lost his phone, it went to the laundry when they change his clothes, and mum said he's talking gibberish again, in fact not knowing whether is it day or night!!!

this morning, he called mum on her phone, i answer but there's no reply. then he hang up and called mine phone and again no reply, no matter how i was calling him. weird....

i hang up and call him back but he doesn't know what his talking either....

oh no....

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