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6_Jpop CDJapan

Monday, October 12, 2009

ADULTS, just shut up!

i hate all the freaky people, who just talk behind my back and telling others what i should have done.

crap! why can't you speak out in front of me? then talking behind my back, what a cowardly thing to do...

thinking that you know EVERYTHING, just by opening your mouth only. all talk and no action.

stop pressuring me! i'm just a weaker human being, not a robot.

don't you all understand, i just lose my dad, but all you all know is to lecture me, is there anyone who comfort me?


i'm always the one who have to comfort and heal myself

some holes and pain can never be heal

just that i will sink deeper and deeper, i'm trying so hard not to fall into my old self.
at least i'm still sane and know that i should not leave my mum and sis alone, it will be selfish of me to join dad now.

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