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Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Foot N The Cursed Escalator

This is a true story of a injuried foot and the escalator.

once upon a time, a small 7 years old girl fell down from the escalators when she lose her steps.

since then, she's very scared of escalators, be it heading up or down.

slowly though the years, she had worked up the courage to use the escalators that are going up.

but she still face difficulties using those that are going down, so she will ALWAYS look for the typical staircase or lift.

poor little girl is unable to get over her fears of escalators.


that little girl is me!

i seriously/officially declare that escalators hates me! (and i hate it too!!!!)

coz i fell down again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (T_T)

and i did not tell mum, or she will freak out, i just tell her i don't know how i injuried it, sounds lame, i know. (-_-)


i lose my steps when i was using the escalators that are going down again...

my foot got sprain and the pain is kiling me when i walk a longer distance or try to climb up/down a staircase.


i can't go to work today, it's too painful for me to get to Vivo, and not to mention that the LOW stocks there are so NOT making look forward to work.

thank you, i would rather rest at home



damm escalators

you are now number ONE on my HATE list.

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