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Monday, May 31, 2010

2nd entry, back after taking medicine

woo, i'm back!

ouch, my throat just feel like there's a knife inside cutting me!

sad, why is the pain still there? this never ever happen before when i caught a flu? it's just....well weird...

and i'm almost done with my course of medicine, left 3 tablets of the flu medicine and 3 doses of the cough syrup.

but, what's up with the irking 'stab' pain?

it's killing whenever i try to swallow food or drinks! hmm...why?

i'll just go to sleep now, and wake up in the morning, crossing my fingers and pray that the pain will be taken away

it's almost 2am NOW!!!



after the roadshow


reach home late tonight, have to teaer down the roadshow and pack up everything, not to mention clearing the trash too.




i think i hit my target of Z550 and Z2000!

yay yay yay~~~

at least my hardwork of coming back when i'm sick pays off! my throat is now so dry! have to drink more more more water tomorrow! oh wait! i forgot to take my medicine!!!!

hang on, i'll just post this up first.

Friday, May 28, 2010


i'm on mc today and tomorrow

my throat was so painful last night that i can hardly sleep, kept waking up on and off, with the pain in my throat.

and coughing and coughing

feeling a little better now, after taking medicine and some sleep, but the pain in my throat still don't wanna leave


i still have the weekend sales to do, there's a roadshow at Vivo and i don't wanna miss the chance.
not to mentio that i'm still short of a few sets of Z550 and Z2000 to hit my target!

prays that i'll be much much better tomorrow, i wanna go to work!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Koda Kumi [Gossip Candy] 07.07.2010

Koda Kumi [Gossip Candy]
Release Date: 07.07.2010


「Inside Fishbowl」「Outside Fishbowl」は、メロディーもテンポもまったく‘同じ’曲で、キー/歌詞/アレンジ 違いの2曲。ヴォーカリスト倖田來未の魅力が最大限つめられた楽曲!
「For you」は、素直な女の子の気持ちを綴った心温まるラブソング!


☆初回盤にはボーナストラックとして、本人出演で話題のペプシネックスTV-CMタイアップソング「Got To Be Real」収録決定!


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

●Inside Fishbowl
●Outside Fishbowl
●For you
●Got To Be Real ☆初回盤のみボーナストラック

●Inside Fishbowl <Music Video>
●Outside Fishbowl <Music Video>
●Lollipop <Music Video>

CD only

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

●Inside Fishbowl
●Outside Fishbowl
●For you
●Got To Be Real ☆初回盤のみボーナストラック

Order at CDJapan!


Gossip Candy / Kumi Koda

CD only

Gossip Candy / Kumi Koda

still sick

sad, why aren't my sorethroat geting better?

i had caught a flu on the flight back to singapore, and it has still not yet go away!

i hate the awful feeling in my throat whenever i'm drinking or eating

my ears feels uncomfortable too.


and now there's a roadshow at Vivo City, i have to get well by sat, i'm going to stay downstairs to grab sales!

how am i going to serve customers like this!!!!!!!




Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tokyo Trip From 13th to 15th May Pics

finally..after half a day of hardwork, i get the first 2 days pictures upload, in my Facebook and photobucket

some samples pics:



Koda Kumi Universe Tour Performance Pics

Lick Me


Got To Be Real


TABOO/Ecstasy/Physical Thing


screen movie:
kuu wears the spacesuit to go into the outer space to repair the flight


ai no uta:
kuu is lying on a rising platform, with water jets around her


Pictures are all taken by me, do not repost them without permission

thank you

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

back in singapore


so i'm back here in this small small island

and not really happy back home....
at least in tokyo, my room is soooo much neater, cleaner, quiet


reason 1:

just came back and had a quarrel with sis!

can anyone believe that foor this whole week that i'm away, she only tidy up a tiny eitty bitty of her stuff in OUR room?

crap!!!!! i sort of expect at least the stuff from the chair is gone, but no!!!!

there's at least 3/4 there!

our room stinks because of her barang!!!!

then when i tidy up my unwanted clothes and grab her the plastic bag and told her to clear her unwanted clothes and dump inside too, she scream at me for interupting her stupid phone call!

i had ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!

hello!!!! she is the one who had not tidy for so be exact...since last year dec, i had been telling her to clear off, and she only clear off that little bit!

and she still insist that she's no wrong!

i'm soo tired of her immature, when will she think?

seriously, mum is going for a check this friday, and if the results is serious...she's going to need us.

and mum said she wants to travel when she still can.

and i want to do it for her, i don't want her to have any regrets like dad did.

i'm scared....

i actually depend on mum. i don't know what to do

if she gone

i already lose my dad,

and i can't reply on sis. she's just a kid, when will she grow up?

my shoulders feel so heavy....


very tired.....

if mum's not here, i would move out....sis is giving me stress, i hate nagging and scolding at her, and she still don't bug.

what i ask for her, for the minimum is a clean, neat and tidy that hard to do?

you tell me.

i'm going off to bed. and forcing her to shut down the computer before i shut her out.

she says she will sleep in the living rom today. i see if she will....


reason 2

the culture

they are so much polite and treat u with respect in singapore.

that is what i always wanted, equal

singaporeans service provider sometimes treat you diffrently, and with the hack-care attitude in work.

i feel so welcome wheever i go

even though i have some problems with the subway, but i'm totally fine with it

reason 3

i love shibuya 109 and harajuku

the clothes and trend are amazing, and i can dress whatever i want!

be it gyaru or others!

they don't look at you like you are a weirdo


reason 4

the weather

i can walk out in the day, see a hot sun above me, but it is not hot at all! in fact a little cold!


just that it can get a little too cold at night in certain areas....

i was sorta freezing when i walk back from Lawson in Ueno!

it's the first time that i scream super cold in my life!

even back in the room, it's cold that you don't even need to turn on the air con!

i only turn it on like around 3am, when i feel warm only!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

morning in japan, before heading out to yokohama's 8:50am here

going to head out to yokohama later!

yesterday tour was amazing, one of kuu's best tour so far. i took some pictures of her outfits too, yay! gonna post them when i get back!

and she's releasing a new single in July! the covers are amazing hot!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

2 more days to Japan

oh wait!!!!

it's already past 1am, so that's one more day~~~

i can't wait~~~

HERE I COME~~~~~~~~

think i WILL break into tears when both concerts start, gotta bring some tissue. i know myself well

and another happy thing today, it's a secret ha ha~~~

*going to bed now*

Thursday, May 6, 2010


i went to upgrade my starhub plan, and get the BlackBerry Curve for free.

since i'm going to japan next week, i don't feel like carrying my LG ice cream phone there.

that is my last present from dad, and i don't want any part of it to be lost or damage. Especially the back cover aren't tight, i'm afraid of losing it.

i rather keep the LG phone aside....


yay, got them yesterday~~~~

all 18 of them


but i'm short of 2 pcs to get a set.....



close up shots


the secret ayupan

so i'm waiting for my second batch from yesasia, i better have a set or i'll scream
Yesasia is so slow, they send me an email that shipping is delay till 1th may

seriously i think by the time i came back from japan, my ayupans might not have reached.