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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

back in singapore


so i'm back here in this small small island

and not really happy back home....
at least in tokyo, my room is soooo much neater, cleaner, quiet


reason 1:

just came back and had a quarrel with sis!

can anyone believe that foor this whole week that i'm away, she only tidy up a tiny eitty bitty of her stuff in OUR room?

crap!!!!! i sort of expect at least the stuff from the chair is gone, but no!!!!

there's at least 3/4 there!

our room stinks because of her barang!!!!

then when i tidy up my unwanted clothes and grab her the plastic bag and told her to clear her unwanted clothes and dump inside too, she scream at me for interupting her stupid phone call!

i had ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!

hello!!!! she is the one who had not tidy for so be exact...since last year dec, i had been telling her to clear off, and she only clear off that little bit!

and she still insist that she's no wrong!

i'm soo tired of her immature, when will she think?

seriously, mum is going for a check this friday, and if the results is serious...she's going to need us.

and mum said she wants to travel when she still can.

and i want to do it for her, i don't want her to have any regrets like dad did.

i'm scared....

i actually depend on mum. i don't know what to do

if she gone

i already lose my dad,

and i can't reply on sis. she's just a kid, when will she grow up?

my shoulders feel so heavy....


very tired.....

if mum's not here, i would move out....sis is giving me stress, i hate nagging and scolding at her, and she still don't bug.

what i ask for her, for the minimum is a clean, neat and tidy that hard to do?

you tell me.

i'm going off to bed. and forcing her to shut down the computer before i shut her out.

she says she will sleep in the living rom today. i see if she will....


reason 2

the culture

they are so much polite and treat u with respect in singapore.

that is what i always wanted, equal

singaporeans service provider sometimes treat you diffrently, and with the hack-care attitude in work.

i feel so welcome wheever i go

even though i have some problems with the subway, but i'm totally fine with it

reason 3

i love shibuya 109 and harajuku

the clothes and trend are amazing, and i can dress whatever i want!

be it gyaru or others!

they don't look at you like you are a weirdo


reason 4

the weather

i can walk out in the day, see a hot sun above me, but it is not hot at all! in fact a little cold!


just that it can get a little too cold at night in certain areas....

i was sorta freezing when i walk back from Lawson in Ueno!

it's the first time that i scream super cold in my life!

even back in the room, it's cold that you don't even need to turn on the air con!

i only turn it on like around 3am, when i feel warm only!

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