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6_Jpop CDJapan

Sunday, August 28, 2011


we can't go back to where we are

the steps we made

i do wonder if i had made the right choice when i was standing at the fork of the path, but i could never go back to where i was

we made our choices

Move forward

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

(don't)leave me alone

if words can kill, i would have been dead

always being bullied since small, i had learnt not to trust humans

wearing a smiling mask, but holding a knife ready to stab

slowly i heal,

i had once found warmth, but it left me

love will stay in your heart forever, but you might not feel it forever

i fear that if i try to seek warmth, the lose will kill me, for sure.


trying to shun away, tightening my heart

building up barriers

are you the one who can break away my walls?




Thursday, August 11, 2011


greed makes a man ugly

when one is uncontent and hunger for more, but using the wrong way, your right sense will be lost.

i believe in karma.

Justice will be done.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Temporally blocking my FB

To all my friends, I had temporally block my FB wall for 2 days.

Not because I hate you or I got something to hide, it's to prevent certain troubles.

I'll be okay, don't worry.