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6_Jpop CDJapan

Saturday, August 8, 2009

good night(morning)

i'm going to bed....

no i'm not joking, i had little hours of sleep last night, less then 5 hours

Dad fell down from the bed while sleeping last night, so mum and i send him to the hospital in an ambulance. When my mum wake me up last night, he's head is bleeding and he's so blur. His speech does not makes sense, he can't even know what's an ambulance!

i'm worried....looking at his condition, it will be dangerous to stay here even after discharging, he will have to stay in a home. At least there's poles around the bed to prevent him falling and sort. He's getting more and more unstable.

the birthday celebration tomorrow will have to be cancel, *sigh* dad is so looking forward to it! He will be devasted!

OH, and the birthday cake! I better call mum now...but can we cancel a cake??? I never heard this before....(>_<)

shit! i'm so sleepy

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