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6_Jpop CDJapan

Monday, January 4, 2010

excuse me, wanna slice someone!

for those who know me, i hardly get angry till i wanna punch or kick anyone.

but someone made me so angry!!!!!!!!!


i just learnt that a friend of mine has a boyfriend who's like 20 years older then her.
well, i seriously do not mind the age gap, as my ex was at least 10 years older then me, but in her case.....NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!


her boyfriend was her aunt's husband

He divorced her to be with her.

understand now?????


of all persons, why him????????

he's a horrible/sleazy/lazy/hyporite person!

OMG!!!!! i seriously HATE him to the max! what spell did he cast on her???

i feel like punching someone, and crush him to the mirror and let him have a BIG FAT look at himself, who does he think he is? cheating this young girl!!!!!!!!!

my dearest friend, if you happen to be reading this, please...i beg know what type of person he is, leave him before it's too late.
you mum and friends are very worried about u, we care about you and don't want u to be in the wrong hands.

u deserve someone better, someone who really treasure you

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