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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2 days mc...

Lying in bed. . . Tossing around, hating the damm sorethroat, making me unable to talk. ! ! ! In fact, I'm on 2 days mc, boo hoo! I want my sales!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

IceCream Phone Redeco on 18th Feb

just redecorate my phone on thursday

coz 2 flowers dropped on tues!

hu hu huuu


so i took ALL the deco out on weds morning and redo it on thursday.

some rhinestones are reuse, but i added more hearts this time, along with a gold strap, forming '7'

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

late night cookie


*still *muching*

famous amos cookies, actually

it's late night, but i just have to grab a bite first, while reading the book i borrowed from Nisha, [Can You Keep A Secret?]

i'm still in my happy happy mood.
After seeing the sales record on mon, and combining with's scary~~~

35 cameras in yesterday sales report

woo~~~ wow~~~~


frightening, there were sooo many customers yesterday!

even today's sales aren't bad(partly because i'm the only promoter who went for work), so i had already hit my weekly target.

no worries~~~~



hmm....who is the guy trying to add me as friend on facebook? she knows Pei Hua and Karen too...

from Best Denki?

but i can't recall WHO?????

Monday, February 15, 2010

Zoo Trip on New Year Day

we went to the zoo yesterday, i had uploaded some pictures


more pictures here

Thursday, February 11, 2010

3 more days to Chinese New Year

after bringing annie for interview, we went to bugis and i bought myself a hat

which FINALLY do not make me look like there's a bump on my head, aka big headed!

and i bought these at kino

SCawaii and Vivi chinese version
Full Metal Alchemist volume 24 taiwan version

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hmm...i heard from someone that someone is trying to remove me, that creep!

i seriously dislike people who thought they are oh-so-mighty-and-power, trying to push everyone around, following and heeding him.

add double face on top of that and you get the creep of the century, i loathe this type of person TO THE MAX!

*some of u should know who i'm talking about....*

sorry, i don't think God had died and ask him to take over.

no one can push me over!

have to do something...


oh and here's a new pic:
i went to straighten my hair last week

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New Resolution:

SAVE at least $5000 to go to Japan!!!!

i wanna go to Japan soooooo badly

and to catch ayu's concert too!!!!

then shopping~~~ clothes, boots, i come!!!!

and hello kitty land too~~~

i have to drop by Book off, for cheap jpop cds!!!!

and the real takoyaki there!!!!!!!
i love food~~~~


Saturday, February 6, 2010

new items: [6th Feb]

these items arrived!

Koda Kumi Trick Tour light
Koda Kumi Trick tour pamplet
Ayumi Hasasaki CDL 09-10 white tshirt
Ayumi Hamasaki a-nation 09 uchiwa
Rainie Yang [Aimai] Japanese debut single


more pics of [Aimai]


close up of the light


the unforeseen future

is anyone scared of the future?

we don't know what could happen...i find it very scary....

my wish is quite simple:

with a loving husband, kids. He have to respect my mum.

i ust want to stay in a proper home, at least 3 or 4 bedrooms! one is for my CD/DVD/books room!

i don't mind not working, if my husband can support the family finacially, coz i love shopping....if he does not earns enough to feed me and kids, how am i going to find extra money to buy my stuff?

i love music, and i can't live without it, so i want my cds.

and everyone to be healthy, no one with any illness like my dad. i'm scared...


is that too much to ask?

sometimes i feel terrify when i see my friends around my age getting maried soon, or with their kids.

I just can't seem to get it over, i don't fall in love easily, moreover to trust someone.
or even worse, i find myself liking those people that are REALLY challenging....WTF?

My sec school years bring me too many horrible memories, it's so hard to trust anyone after that...that's why i have only few friends that i can REALLY TRUST, you know who you are.

thinking and thinking about stuff....

but the more i think, the more i shun away....

from everything

Thursday, February 4, 2010

more items added to my collection

these came in the last week, but i have not post them


the ayupan



from ebay


Rainie Yang [Rainie Love] 7-11 preorder version with [Hi! MY Sweetheart] special DVD and post card

another off day

just another day....

sitting at home, till my hair starts to irks me

*minimicking a chipmunk*
'my hair iz gettin bushy now!'

so i went to get it straighten!!!!

feels so good

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

3 parcels in one day!

so i arrive home yesterday from work and found 3 huge boxes on the floor

2 from cdjapan
1 from crescent shop(which i knew it will come yesterday)


the other 2 boxes containing:
kuu's Best~third universe~ 2CD+DVD(first press with poster)
Anna Tsuchiya's Brave Vibration cd only(first press with photobook)


the last one is a gift containing :
alan [Diamond/over the clouds] CD only, first press with inuyasha obi
alan [Over the clouds/Diamond] CD, limited press with GOD EATER obi
a nation 09 DVD, with tshirt


from crescent:
Ayu Complete LIve Box 4DVD
Ayu CDL009-10 chopsticks
Ayu [You were.../BALLAD] TA freegift, blanket
Koda kumi Fever In Live Hall2 DVD and promotion card
Koda Gumi Fanclub mag volume 1 to 7

close up of the CDL09-10 chopsticks

the TA card

Slideshow of Ayu pictures in London

credits to members from Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai