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Saturday, February 6, 2010

the unforeseen future

is anyone scared of the future?

we don't know what could happen...i find it very scary....

my wish is quite simple:

with a loving husband, kids. He have to respect my mum.

i ust want to stay in a proper home, at least 3 or 4 bedrooms! one is for my CD/DVD/books room!

i don't mind not working, if my husband can support the family finacially, coz i love shopping....if he does not earns enough to feed me and kids, how am i going to find extra money to buy my stuff?

i love music, and i can't live without it, so i want my cds.

and everyone to be healthy, no one with any illness like my dad. i'm scared...


is that too much to ask?

sometimes i feel terrify when i see my friends around my age getting maried soon, or with their kids.

I just can't seem to get it over, i don't fall in love easily, moreover to trust someone.
or even worse, i find myself liking those people that are REALLY challenging....WTF?

My sec school years bring me too many horrible memories, it's so hard to trust anyone after that...that's why i have only few friends that i can REALLY TRUST, you know who you are.

thinking and thinking about stuff....

but the more i think, the more i shun away....

from everything

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