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Saturday, July 31, 2010

[27.07.10]Koda Kumi 10th Anniversary BEST LIVE DVD BOX

yes, it came a few days ago, but i have no time to take picture!

woo woo woo...

after watching the documentary part, i really miss UNIVERSE tour!

i wanna watch the full show now....


but i doubt Avx will release both UNIVERSE and Dream Music Park DVD... sad... so i might not get the exact show that i'm watching...

speaking of which, i had just send a request to ship my stuff from Crescent shop!

all my stuff are in!
kuu's Gossip Candy, Dream Music Park version
ayu MOON live version
ayupan trump cards starps!

can't wait~

Ayu a nation 10 Tour goodies pic

From TeamAyu

the uchiwa, towel and strap

Friday, July 30, 2010

sleepy sleepy sleepy~~~ just a quick post

tomorrow i'm going to the office to collect my H10!

yes of course, it's from own brand CASIO~~~ very nice camera! all my lovely pictures in Japan are taken with it!!!

staff price: below SGD$399

$150 of it is from my dad's money, the rest of the money, i'll top up meyself.
i will treat this camera very very well.

oh yeah! it's PINK COLOR!!!!!!!!!

wa ha ha ha

Thursday, July 22, 2010

[21.07.10] Anna Tsuchiya's [Atashi] and Alan's [Diamond/Over the clouds]

these came yesterday, when i was at work.

i saw them when i came back from the gathering last night...

i was sooo tired that i open them last, just before i went to bed.

Anna Tsuchiya [Atashi] CD+DVD
Anna Tsuchiya [Atashi] CD only
Alan [Diamond/Over the clouds] CD+DVD


Monday, July 19, 2010

minute of truth: ugly and greedy side of human

Genie's minute of truth:


i hate getting boss around!

damm it!!!

who on earth invented the lame theory of [the customers are always right]

that IS crap.

i do not own you anything, i see no reason why you should be looking down on me and insist on getting your way.

incident 1: happen today..........
why, why are just buying 2 cameras, i had asked and give you a discount, and gave you the usual free gifts, 8GB card and case.
Please stop acting like the boss, insisting to talk to the boss

acting all so mighty and know it all

thinking that boss can give you the 16GB card instead of a 8GB card



incident 2: why, it happen today also!!! how amazing! what a LOVELY day for me~~~~

customers who act as if they own the shop, pretending that he bought a video camera for SGD$999 the day before, and acting like that $999 is a VERY VERY VERY SUPER DUPER big business, and that i should go 'woooo..... wowwwwwww' over him.

This BIG customer(indian man) claiming that he manage to get a discount of SGD$100. so why can't he get some discount on camera too?

hello???????? did your teacher taught you math? or you fail your subject?
HD video camera is HD video camera, it's at least SGD$800
digital still camera is way cheaper, at least SGD$100

the camera that you want is SGD$399, you can't expect me to give you a $100 discount??? crazy!!!!!!!!!!

do your math and come back to me again

i could do WITHOUT your business. thank you.

oh, and what a fantatic memory you have! you said you bought your video camera yesterday, but when i asked you to show me which model, you can't remember which one is it! or even the BRAND!!!!

yeah right!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i see you did BOUGHT the video cam yesterday, when the promoter told me later that you DID NOT buy at all.

ha dee dee..........


humans are just ugly


online shopping~

genie the shopping queen!

i can shop online and in malls, nothing stops me!

except a torn purse maybe? but i'm careful on what i spend, so should be okay????

order these in the past week:

Jolin Tsai's vogueing album from 5music, preorder version A with headphone! it's SGD$11 cheaper then YesAsia!

Here's a picture of the headphone

★A版限量套裝, 全城限量10000套



Order from mumo:

Ayumi Hamasaki [MOON/blossom]
「Rock'n'Roll Circus Tour」会場限定ポスター付きCDスペシャルセット

special tour version with poster 1000yen
without poster 800 yen

the cover is too pretty to ignore!

From yesasia and mumo

new Rock 'n'Roll Circus tour goodies!!!

1500yen each

There are [jack], [queen] and [king].
I bought them from mumo, except from the queen one, since it's sold out at mumo

and i got this from yesasia

Koda Kumi 10th Anniversary Best Live DVD BOX

because of the UNIVERSE tour making's just being typical that since i went to the concert, i want to own every part of it

lastly, i bought these from Yesasia too

『Rock'n'Roll Circus』 ayupan

6 of them, hope that i can get a set!!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

pacha pacha in Tokyo

At yokohama in May 16th, with flo chan, waiting to go into the stadium for Ayu's concert~~~

after the concert, with angel/elin/amanda and zuwei


day after the concert. 17th May

genie arrive at disneyland~~~~

ha! genie saw a runaway Goofy and grab a pic with the sneaky fellow!


18th at Asakusa

my scandals broke the day before.... when i was returning to the hotel...

so i end up buying a pair of keitai here, and a pair of boots at Harajuku

in this pic, i was still wearing my scandals

Uploaded with

bye bye~~~ i throw them in the trash, coz i don't have space in my luggage to bring them back to fix

pacha pacha

random pic

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[MOON/blossom] CD+DVD 320kbps Download

the single was leak yesterday night!!!! MOON is too beautiful, the full version is just epic!!! i had been replaying it for 12 times before i fall asleep!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

01. MOON (Original Mix)
02. blossom (Original Mix)
03. Microphone (THE LOWBROWS remix)
04. MOON (Instrumental Mix)
05. blossom (Instrumental Mix)

credits to KMC

Saturday, July 10, 2010

[09.07.10] New stuff~ TA mag & A Logo Pendant, 10th Anniversary

these came in the mail

TeamAyu magazine 35/36
unofficial 10th anniversary logo pendant from branv

and he gave me 2 free wooden ayupan

the days ayupan is already sticking on my fridge~

close up of the pendant

i had already wear the pendant out today!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Going Back to School~Japanese Culture Society

thanks to kuromi, who finally got me the name of the school.

i went to the school today to check out the detals, like fees and registration date


i shall be taking the intensive course, since i already knew some japanese, i can cope.

I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!

as for dates:
monday and wednesday [6 to 8pm] or [7 to 9 pm]
tueday and thursday [6 to 8pm] or [7 to 9pm]

i prefer the tues and thurs, since my day off is thursday. YAY!!!! i'm going to school~~~ this must be the first time that i'm actually HAPPILY looking forward to school. i used to hate going to school.

weird.... weird feeling....

but the registration will be in dec, so i have to check the internet for the date when it's the start of dec. as the staff told me there will be a long queue, so most advise to start queue at 8 or 9am.

school, here i come!!!!!


my target:
get at least 80% of the score



Wednesday, July 7, 2010

emo period

can't seem to cheer up


nights and nights,

waking up in tears, nightmares of dad suffering....

i saw him....

asking why didn't anyone stop him from taking too many medicine years ago

saying that he was torture by the nurses



what should i do?

i feel so uneasy....

now i know how sis feel, during her 21st birthday....

my first birthday without dad....
can i just bury a hole and hide myself in?

i don't wanna see anyone....

the last thing i want to hear is happy birthday...

the happiness i had In Tokyo seem to drain away, as days gets closer, nothing seem to cheer me up. Even receiving my cds from the mail made me happy, but this morning, i was like, 'oh.... my kuu cd came....'

THAT'S IT??????????????

what's wrong with me???

I always look forward to go to office for meeting, it's fun there, with all the blickering, feels like a family. but... i don't know.... somehow

I was looking so forward to getting my Liz Lisa clothes in the mail, i was even tracking them everyday. that is my top favorite brand and i was quite happy when i foind a online shop for shibuya109!!!! but when the postman send them to me on Monday, somehow i feel empty....

whatever i'm doing, always don't turn out right

what am i living for?

[07.07.10] Kuu's Gossip Candy Arrive

early in the morning at 10am

when i was still staring at the ceiling on my bed, the postman came and mum sign for me


how many times i stare at it, i will say the same thing.

I prefer the back cover as the FRONT COVER!!! I had already liked this one soooooo much when kuu showed it at the concert!!!

why why why

stupid avex!!!!


now i still have to wait till ayu's single is out, and get all my kuu/ayu FC cds and alan's cd from mumo. another week to go~~~~