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6_Jpop CDJapan

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Going Back to School~Japanese Culture Society

thanks to kuromi, who finally got me the name of the school.

i went to the school today to check out the detals, like fees and registration date


i shall be taking the intensive course, since i already knew some japanese, i can cope.

I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!

as for dates:
monday and wednesday [6 to 8pm] or [7 to 9 pm]
tueday and thursday [6 to 8pm] or [7 to 9pm]

i prefer the tues and thurs, since my day off is thursday. YAY!!!! i'm going to school~~~ this must be the first time that i'm actually HAPPILY looking forward to school. i used to hate going to school.

weird.... weird feeling....

but the registration will be in dec, so i have to check the internet for the date when it's the start of dec. as the staff told me there will be a long queue, so most advise to start queue at 8 or 9am.

school, here i come!!!!!


my target:
get at least 80% of the score



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