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6_Jpop CDJapan

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

angry! that sanyo promoter

i'm angry!!! super pissed off!!!!!!!!!

one thing i really dislike and hate is, ignoring me and cutting my sentence!

and that sanyo promoter did it all!!!!!!!

what happens:

i served a couple earlier, they want a easy to use camera and take good pictures. they were looking at sony/panasonic and canon, and i showed them Z2000. but they were still considering, the guy is quite convince, but the lady doesn't really like the design. so they told me they will come back after grabbing something else.
i came back to the counter after my toilet trip, and saw that promoter serving my return customer.

when i saw that there's 2 canon and a pansonic on the counter, but not my Z2000 in sight. i know it's a bad sight.

so i just stood beside him and told him nicely, 'that is my return customer.'

but he does not seem to hear it, as he did not answer me.

at that moment, a staff, was talking to me, so i replied, 'hang on, my return customer come back. wait a while'

by now, he should heard it CLEAR AND LOUD. unless he's deaf, then he can't hear it.

i was sort of waiting for him to tell me, either to go away(as the customers did not ask for me), or let me continue.


and did not say a single word.... so i don't know what to do.....i could just stand beside and wait for a chance to speak to the customers.

i tried to answer the customers whenever they asked any questions.

then when she asked what colors does that canon 210 has, when i was speaking halfway. that idiot actually cut my sentence and told her,' all the colors are at the canon counter, i bring you there'

and he brought the customers there



i'm not invisible!!!!

it won't kill you just to tell me to shoo away and that is your customer, at least you tell me something.

the worst is you are treating me invisible!!!!!!!!!

CREEP!!!!!!!!!!! what attitude is this!!!!!!!

if you are not happy, tell me straight to go away, not by ignoring me!!!!

be a man!!!!

bloody hell....... bloody coward.....

and after cashing in, he still did not speak to me!

when i told mr yee about my unhappiness, mr yee told me these:

the sanyo guy said the customers were shunning me and wanted canon in the first place. and that i was too over aggressive and die die want to wash!!!!


hello!!!!!! this is genie.... for those who knows me, if i can't wash the camera over, i will still sell whatever the customer wants. i'm not really particular about the sale, what bother me is YOUR ATTITUDE.

but what i am not happy is, you are freaking ignoring me, not even telling me to go off. and since i don't receive any cue, of coz i will stand there and try to talk to them.

you are keeping your mouth shut! how would i know!!!!!!!! i can't read your mind, if i can, i won't be here selling cameras, facing these type of shit people.

damm you

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