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6_Jpop CDJapan

Monday, August 9, 2010

Replied tweets from Ayu~~~~~~~

OMG~~~ i'm so happy today~~~ (^_^)

ayu replied to my tweets!

cha cha cha~~~~~~~~~~~

i wa just checking twitter, when i'm not serving any customers today. Then, i saw that ayu is online. So my first instinct is to tell her of the tenso problem.

Although it does not affect me, since i'm getting from crescent, but i feel sad that some AHS members are unable to order because of it.

a few minutes later, i saw that i got a notification on my blackberry that i have a new mention.

i was thinking, 'hmm.... i can't be THAT lucky to get a reply from ayu'

so i log in to twitter and got the shock of the day!!!!!!!!!!

IT IS AYU!!!!!!!!

OMG~~~~~~~~~~~ (#_#)

NOW, it is a miracle that i did not scream at the counter.


now these are the tweets!

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