CDJapan- Site for Jpop/Games/Anime Goodies and more!

6_Jpop CDJapan

Monday, December 27, 2010


New family members!

shushu and konnie

shushu is name after AKB48's song [ponytail to shushu], because it's small fluffy tail feel shushu-ish.
while konnie is from 2AM's kwonie, because sis likes kwonie..

first day, 23rd dec

new family member! shushu and konnie (^_^) on Twitpic

shushu: i'm hungry! *much munch* on Twitpic

26th dec

lol-ing at konnie putting his big fat butt on his food!!! get... on Twitpic

poor shushu is staring at the back! on Twitpic

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