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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

lies and truth. S.O.S

what is true love

does it really exists in this world?

all i see is lies and lust

what can i really believe in?

what i see? what i read? what i hear?

what is real?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

words like a knife

His words pieced yesterday....

Others can say that, it doesn't hurt much.

But from him....

A joke is too much. It hurts....

Saturday, November 5, 2011

White or black

There is no such thing as right or wrong in this world.

Whatever might be right today might end up turning to be wrong tomorrow.

Life is always complicated, people and things are changing everyday, lies and truth does not seem that important anymore.

Forgiveness, selfless is the points to keep going on.

Being selfish will only result in hurting you and your surrounding.

I had tried my best to be nice and forgiving, but that does not mean I can be bullied all the time.

He who think can control or frighten me is so wrong.
This is a tigerness with her limits, you have step over.

It's pay back time.

Silent revenge kills.

I'll make sure you pay back hard for what you did, to me and to others.


Saturday, October 29, 2011

casio tr100


oh no i am not crazy.

just really happy that tr100 is selling so well, just check my Oct sales report till date and i had sold at least 70 TR100 sets!

never ever had i encounter any casio cameras that customers are looking for and in such high demand. Even other brands doesn't cut it.

my last reserve list was so scary, there's like 16 sets on reserve. i had a regular customer who bought 9 sets last week, and at least 5 sets in Sept. Today she came and bought another 2 white color.

white is in higher demand though, weird.

i don't understand why people seem to like white more, i prefer the black. it won't get scarthes so easily and more durable looking.

kekeke, i hope that when the new model come out, maybe company will just give me the demo set which they loan to me now.

now boss is trying to extend the tr100 market to local customers, i really hope it will goes well. right now most of my customers are from china, few from hongkong/US, and some were my friends or return customers.

it will be cool to see locals using and asking for TR100.

tr100 is the coolest and trendy camera!

i love it!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011 or nursing home?

grandma was admited on sat, due to leg fracture.

But it's weird and really fishy. how on earth could she get leg fracture at the nursing home when she can't walk nor even move much???? wtf are the caretakers doing?

doc said her condition aren't good.

her leg fracture area is very near her skin, so her bone could just poke through her skin. and if that happens, she's too old for operation, so the doctors would have to put her to sleep....

the thought of the bone going through scares me

if she were to return to the nursing home, and they neglect her, i'm worried that she will be in pain for longer hours till the staff found if her bone were to go pass her skin.

but staying in the hospital could get costly in the long run, especially if my cousins and uncle's side don't want to bother.

what should i do?

dad, if only you were here...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

hate. hate. hate

i hate flu

i hate getting blocked nose

i hate not able to breathe normally!!!!!!

after 4 days of comex show, and setting up the concept counter at outlet, i finally get to rest tomorrow.

dead beat now.... but i seriously doubt i'll get a good night sleep, kept waking up numerious times in the wee hours for past 2 days.

hallo zombie genie!

it's so hot that i kept waking up in sweat!

gotta install air con or i will die from heat and bad sleep soon

Sunday, August 28, 2011


we can't go back to where we are

the steps we made

i do wonder if i had made the right choice when i was standing at the fork of the path, but i could never go back to where i was

we made our choices

Move forward

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

(don't)leave me alone

if words can kill, i would have been dead

always being bullied since small, i had learnt not to trust humans

wearing a smiling mask, but holding a knife ready to stab

slowly i heal,

i had once found warmth, but it left me

love will stay in your heart forever, but you might not feel it forever

i fear that if i try to seek warmth, the lose will kill me, for sure.


trying to shun away, tightening my heart

building up barriers

are you the one who can break away my walls?




Thursday, August 11, 2011


greed makes a man ugly

when one is uncontent and hunger for more, but using the wrong way, your right sense will be lost.

i believe in karma.

Justice will be done.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Temporally blocking my FB

To all my friends, I had temporally block my FB wall for 2 days.

Not because I hate you or I got something to hide, it's to prevent certain troubles.

I'll be okay, don't worry.

Saturday, July 16, 2011








email set up help?

i'm trying to set up email settings to update my blog on my iphone, but somehow it can't automatic detect the incoming server and outgoing server???

what should i type?

i tried typing the email address and but not working....

can anyone help???

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hamsters, 23.06.11

shushu trying to jump down from 2nd level!


I caught you, naughty boy! bad shushu! how many times do i have to tell you DO NOT bite the cage!

this is konnie's sleeping pose.... (-__-)

body in the tube
head sticking out of the tube?

i seriously wonder how he can maintain THIS while sleeping soundly?

dreadful singapore summer. 365 days



i hate this damm hot weather!!!!

It's killing me, feel like i'm caught in a oven. I wish i could run to somewhere cold, sweating is just gross! eww!

at this rate of the global warning, the earth will be unfit for human being within 70 years.

i hope i don't live that long.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Power of Music Asia Tour? in Singapore?

my heart is still skipping.

leslie tweeted to ayu earlier, he is thinking of bring POM and LOVE & HOPE to shanghai, hongkong and SINGAPORE!!!!!!

and ayu replied that she woulkd want to go along too.

it might be possible, thanks to Leslie's, he's singaporean afterall. and this time POM does not use a fancy stage/props/costumes, so singapore SHOULD finally have the budget to bring ayu here!!!!!!!



i would die from happiness

if my dream can actually come true, twice, in 2 years.

*praying to god and dad*

should i believe in miracle?

just like how i end up with front seats for last Oct's show?

but the higher my hopes are, the more painful it will be if it's shattered, so i don't wanna think tooooo much for now.

[VIDEO] AKB48 前田敦子 カラオケで Flower

前田敦子 カラオケでFlower

Tuesday, June 7, 2011




Forcing myself not to be down.

Smile smile smile

Fight fight fight




What is happiness?

Why does the eyes filled with tears in a sudden?

What is my dreams, I have no idea anymore. I thought I had a goal, but as days passed, it seem to be a fantasy.

Does trust truly exist? Humans smiles turn into lies, in the face of wealth or power. What can be trust in this filthy world? To live alone is impossible, bonds, responsibility will not stop haunting for life.

There is no freedom.

Stress and pressure will kill me.

When will I be freed. No one can help me, even you, watching me from heaven. I wish I could leave this world, and never be born again.

Tell me, which is the right path?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

May'n in Singapore 2011

Tonight was May'n first solo concert in Singapore.

As expected, great vocals and strong performance, I can say more, but it's almost 2am and my eyes are drop ing off.. So...

I got a good seat, 3rd row! (^_^)

And I won the autograph poster...

And the gala premiere ticket of her 3D movie on monday!!!!!!!! ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪

May'n will be there too!

How lucky can I get? (^O^)


At least I won't feel so sad waiting for my results to be out on 13th June. 怖いいよ!!(◎_◎;)


Saturday, May 28, 2011


I'm worried...

Very worried for my Japanese exams next week.

Mon: grammar
Tue: dictation and listening
Thurs: oral

Whenever I'm at home, it's so hard to study. Too many distractions. I'm feeling nothing but stress stress stress. I'm going to aunt's place for these 4 days, and there's aircon too.

I'll go early in the morning, like 6:30am.

The day before, I'm going to AKB48 2nd stage live theatre performance at Scape. Sayaka will be here again! I'm glad I got the 7pm tickets, because a member will be celebrating her 19th birthday on that show.

Sounds like fun!

Ooh! And the girls latest single, [everyday, カチュウシャ」had breaks a million sales on the 2nd day!

So far, they are the 3rd artist in the record who had break a million sales within first week of sales! Hopgully they will surpass Mr Children sales!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My AKB48 ranking