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Thursday, March 25, 2010

sometimes....i wonder

sometimes, u don't know what you are doing

and you start to regret it after....

is life always going round in circles?

everything seems to be the same,

if i'm not the one who do it, there will be another

so who am i?

are we just marionette control by god?

or why is life so unfair?

what really are humans?

Are we creatures made by god, input with feelings and intelligence so that we can be toyed around by god?

there are just some questions that never have a answer.

how are lives created?
what comes first?
a chicken or the egg?

yes, we all know dinosaurs walked on this planet many many years ago.

but what comes first?

the dinosaurs eggs or the mother?

and how did the earth come from?

life is a mystery that is not meant to be review

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

NEXT LEVEL Tour DVD AYUPAN Release Date: 9th April

News from TeamAyu

they will be out on 9th April.

Total of 11 ayupans, inclusive of the 11th secret ayupan


LIVE DVD『ayumi hamasaki ARENA TOUR 2009 ~NEXT LEVEL~』のリリースを記念して、ayupanフィギュア(11種類)の発売が決定致しました!


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▼3/24(水)16:00 ayupanフィギュア特集ページOPEN!



ouch, i love ayupans but they are coming out on the wrong month!!!!

if i were to get all of them, i have to get at least 30 pcs or more! and ordering through mumo won't be cheap, but if i get them through YesAsia, i'm scared of lost mails!


or i could just wait for someone to sell the full set at ebay or Yahoo Auction Japan, at least i don't have to spend time to get rid of my extra ayupans, like last year.....


what should i do????

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


♡ ♡ ♡

OMG! This song is epic, the instrumentals n ayu's vocals are perfect!

Now I'm soooo looking forward to the pv! It's going to be so great!

Yeah, I know I'm suppose to be holding till I receive my box set, I had even pretend not to read wat alternarist type to me the sec the song is out.
But I end up hearing it at someon's blog, n that one min is so amazing that I end up downloading it!

No more......

Gonna run away from those dangerous sites or threads.

It's just 19 days more till the release of ayu's 【Rock′n′Roll Circus】, i can do it

Sunday, March 21, 2010

early morning or night?


it's already 12 am and i'm still awake again???

shit! i thought i told myself to sleep by 12!

no wonder my eyes feel so tired!

spend a little too much time editing my listing at ebay, i had put the Kuu's taiwan DVD for auction there!

and there's 7 bids already!

GO GO GO!!! i want more money, for my japan trip!

*goes to bed now*

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Ayu’s dog, Maroon

i just saw ayu's post yesterday, marroon is so ill now. . .

After going under a huge operation, losing conconsiuos between n relying on medical equipment. Even the doctor had to force ayu to make a decision of bringing it home or leaving him in the cold hospital n prolonging his life with equipment.

Ayu choose to bring maroon home.

That decision must be so hard. . .


It's scary, knowing that when you are force to make such a decision, it's almost end of the path.

I know the same feeling last year when the doctor made us to take a decision for dad. Well, he did manage to live for another 2 weeks before leaving us. But I'm glad that dad did regain consious n is able to talk to us n tell us his last thoughts.

Ayu is a strong woman, but she treats her dogs like her kids, I wonder how is she coping? I could never forget how depressed ayu was when she lose her friend 2 years ago, n this time it's her beloved dog who had been with her for 14 years. .

So I wrote ayu a message in the TeamAyu board, telling her to be strong n most importantly, take care of her health. This woman work toooo hard!

So ayu san, if you are reading this right now, please stay strong, maroon won't want anything to happen to you because of him!


Universal Studio

The Universal Studio is open yesterday!

ha ha!!! tomorrow is the weekend, i expect there will be more people going there, so more camera sales for me!!!

YAY~~~ money money money come to mummy, i need you for my Japan trip, ayu and kuu's concert are waiting for me~~~~~


about the studio:

actually i wasn't really that interested in it in the begining, till i met a family who went there today.

They spoil their camera there and bought Z2000 from me.

The little girl was filling me all the details, the rides, the water thing(i still had noidea what exactly is that????), the 3D show that actually have something grabbing you and your chair is all shaky!!!!

if only the tickets can be cheaper....

it's SGD$68

think about how many bowls of ton toro ramen i can buy with that???


the little girl have a cool water bottle that has a mini fan and can spill water out! yeah..that arn't cheap, it's SGD$19.90.

i wonder what other merchadise do thay have????


very curious.....

one day..... i will go there....

if the ticket is cheaper, coz i DO NOT WANT TO GO ANY WHERE NEAR A ROLLER COASTER!!!!!!!!

they make me ill, no way!

and seeing people getting ill is worse, that will make me ill too.



Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ayumi Hamasaki [Rock'n'Roll Circus] Limited Box Set Cover

it's out!!!

together with NEXT LEVEL Tour DVD!

i love the mug~~~

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ayumi Hamasaki [Rock'n'Roll Circus] Cover & Tracklist


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CD Only

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01.THE introduction
●Honda ZEST SPARK CMソング/ TV-CFソング
03.count down
04.Sunset ~LOVE is ALL~
06.Last Links
08.Don't look back
●Panasonic デジタルカメラ LUMIX FX66 & ZX3 TV-CFソング
10.Lady Dynamite
11.Sexy little things
12.Sunrise ~LOVE is ALL~
13.meaning of Love
14.You were...
15.RED LINE ~for TA~ [album version]

01.Sunrise ~LOVE is ALL~ (video clip)
02.Sunset ~LOVE is ALL~ (video clip)
03.You were... (video clip)
04.BALLAD (video clip)
05.Sexy little things (video clip)
06.Microphone (video clip)
07.Don't look back (video clip)
08.Lady Dynamite (video clip)
09.Sunrise ~LOVE is ALL~ (making clip)
10.Sunset ~LOVE is ALL~ (making clip)
11.You were... (making clip)
12.BALLAD (making clip)
13.Sexy little things (making clip)
14.Microphone (making clip)
15.Don't look back (making clip)
16.Lady Dynamite (making clip)
※bonus track
"ayumi hamasaki ARENA TOUR 2009 ~NEXT LEVEL~" DIGEST



First press special:
-36 pages photobook
-a unrelease song to be download at chaku site
-12 out of 40 000 copies comes with Ayu handwritten lyrics


TeamAyu special gifts

Mobile stand for album

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pen case for Arena Tour 09 DVD

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KODA KUMI [BEST~third universe] CD Only Fanclub version

now i had to repost these!

i forget about these earlier~~~

i had been waiting to get this, the poster is so pretty, it's double side~~~~




now i'm just waiting for the taiwan concert dvd to arrive!!! Crescent had not even ship it out!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Ayu CDL09-10 A Logo Jewelry


i'm going ga ga over these

they arrive 2 days ago and i already wore the pendant out yesterday






My TeamAyu member card and the strap


Monday, March 8, 2010

Last day of roadshow

Finally. . . After one long month, the roadshow is over. I get to have a mini rest, before the PC show on this thurs till sun. Then it's another month of roadshow.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ayumi Hamasaki [Arena Tour 09-NEXT LEVEL] DVD

ayumi hamasaki Arena Tour 2009 A -Next Level-

Live DVD release from Ayumi Hamasaki featuring footage from her concert performance on October 22, 2009 at Yoyogi National Gymnasium. Features clear slipcase.

2009年4月~10月の約7ヶ月に渡り、全国12都市35公演、約30万人を動員して行われたアリーナツアーの待望のDVD化! 聖地・東京代々木第一体育館で行われた最終日の模様を余すところ無く完全収録!! ALBUM『NEXT LEVEL』収録楽曲と新旧織り交ぜた大ヒット曲を、10変化の衣装やこれまでにないカラフルでポップな演出で魅せる圧巻のエンタテインメント・ショウ。全公演MC集、スクリーン映像集など、貴重な特典映像も多数収録! 透明スリーヴ仕様。


ayumi hamasaki Arena Tour 2009 A -Next Level- / Ayumi Hamasaki


00.Pieces of SEVEN
05.Sunrise ~LOVE is ALL~
06.Load of the SHUGYO
07.LOVE ‘n’ HATE
09.In The Corner
17.Bridge to the sky

19.Curtain call
20.Sunset ~LOVE is ALL~
21.everywhere nowhere
23.Boys & Girls




it's out, on the same date as her new album!!!

i seriously hope that the limited box set have the clear case too, or i'll scream

i'm do not buying 2 DVDS because of the casing....


over my dead body!

Ayumi Hamasaki [Rock'n'Roll Circus] New Album Release 14.04

NEW ALBUM [Rock'n'Roll Circus] Release!

14th April


Price: 11800 yen

Rock'n'Roll Circus / Ayumi Hamasaki

★Limited Edition
Together with first press [CD+DVD] listed below, a box set which includes the LIVE DVD [ayumi hamasaki ARENA TOUR 2009 A ~NEXT LEVEL~]. A special limited box set including a mug cup + bags of black tea!


Order at CDJAPAN
Rock'n'Roll Circus / Ayumi Hamasaki

Price: 3990 yen

CD contains 14 tracks. DVD contains 17 tracks.
★First press includes a full colour photobook shot in London.

CD only

Order at CDJAPAN
Rock'n'Roll Circus / Ayumi Hamasaki

Price: 3150 yen


i had already order the limited set yesterday...

hoo, it's going to burn a hole in my pocket, but sooo worth it!
I get the conncert DVD, the CD+DVD and that mug too!!!!

i order it quite late, and almost did not get it, mine was one of the last copies at YesAsia.

i'm so scared of their [free and SLOW] shipping that i even paid extra, like USD$32 for the express shipping. (>_<)

i seriously can't wait to get my copy!

still shocked though, that the album will be out a week AFTER her tour start, this never happen before.

i have a feeling that avex wants her to release earlierm but it can't be on the 7th, as it will be crashing HARD against AKB48's best album, her sales will crash under those girls, the otakus in japan are too scary, after their last single incident, i think avex wants to avoid ayu with them

but releasing it 2 weeks before is TOO RUSH, that must be the reason why ayu was stressing earlier on in her ealier TA post.

at least ayu wins the battle against avex
i rather getting the album a little late, have an awesome cd then a rush job.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

alan 1st concert tour -voice of you- in TOKYO 2010.01.24

alan 1st concert tour -voice of you- in TOKYO 2010.01.24

First live DVD release from alan featuring her concert performance on January 24, 2010 at Showa Women's University Hitomi Memorial Hall.

2007年11月にデビューしてから2年で初のワンマン・ライヴツアーを成し遂げたalan。東京、大阪公演のチケットは、一般券売を開始して5分で完売! 1月に東京・名古屋・大阪で行われたライヴから、1月24日の東京・昭和女子大学 人見記念講堂での模様を完全収録!! アーティストとして急成長中のalan。生の圧倒的なライヴパフォーマンスを見ることが出来る貴重な1st LIVE DVD。


alan 1st concert tour -voice of you- in TOKYO 2010.01.24 / alan

1. 天女 ~interlude~
2. 群青の谷
3. One
4. Beauty ~空唄~ Lost Child
5. Swear
6. Call my name
7. 千年の虹
8. BALLAD ~名もなき恋のうた~
9. sign
10. 明日への讃歌
11. Nobody knows but me
12. Qing Zang Gao Yuan
13. 幸せの鐘
14. 久遠の河
15. 心・戦 ~RED CLIFF~
16. 絆
17. 恵みの雨
18. my life
19. Together-Encore-
20. Diamond-Encore-
21. 懐かしい未来 ~longing future~-Encore-