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6_Jpop CDJapan

Thursday, March 25, 2010

sometimes....i wonder

sometimes, u don't know what you are doing

and you start to regret it after....

is life always going round in circles?

everything seems to be the same,

if i'm not the one who do it, there will be another

so who am i?

are we just marionette control by god?

or why is life so unfair?

what really are humans?

Are we creatures made by god, input with feelings and intelligence so that we can be toyed around by god?

there are just some questions that never have a answer.

how are lives created?
what comes first?
a chicken or the egg?

yes, we all know dinosaurs walked on this planet many many years ago.

but what comes first?

the dinosaurs eggs or the mother?

and how did the earth come from?

life is a mystery that is not meant to be review

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