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6_Jpop CDJapan

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Universal Studio

The Universal Studio is open yesterday!

ha ha!!! tomorrow is the weekend, i expect there will be more people going there, so more camera sales for me!!!

YAY~~~ money money money come to mummy, i need you for my Japan trip, ayu and kuu's concert are waiting for me~~~~~


about the studio:

actually i wasn't really that interested in it in the begining, till i met a family who went there today.

They spoil their camera there and bought Z2000 from me.

The little girl was filling me all the details, the rides, the water thing(i still had noidea what exactly is that????), the 3D show that actually have something grabbing you and your chair is all shaky!!!!

if only the tickets can be cheaper....

it's SGD$68

think about how many bowls of ton toro ramen i can buy with that???


the little girl have a cool water bottle that has a mini fan and can spill water out! yeah..that arn't cheap, it's SGD$19.90.

i wonder what other merchadise do thay have????


very curious.....

one day..... i will go there....

if the ticket is cheaper, coz i DO NOT WANT TO GO ANY WHERE NEAR A ROLLER COASTER!!!!!!!!

they make me ill, no way!

and seeing people getting ill is worse, that will make me ill too.



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