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Saturday, March 20, 2010


Ayu’s dog, Maroon

i just saw ayu's post yesterday, marroon is so ill now. . .

After going under a huge operation, losing conconsiuos between n relying on medical equipment. Even the doctor had to force ayu to make a decision of bringing it home or leaving him in the cold hospital n prolonging his life with equipment.

Ayu choose to bring maroon home.

That decision must be so hard. . .


It's scary, knowing that when you are force to make such a decision, it's almost end of the path.

I know the same feeling last year when the doctor made us to take a decision for dad. Well, he did manage to live for another 2 weeks before leaving us. But I'm glad that dad did regain consious n is able to talk to us n tell us his last thoughts.

Ayu is a strong woman, but she treats her dogs like her kids, I wonder how is she coping? I could never forget how depressed ayu was when she lose her friend 2 years ago, n this time it's her beloved dog who had been with her for 14 years. .

So I wrote ayu a message in the TeamAyu board, telling her to be strong n most importantly, take care of her health. This woman work toooo hard!

So ayu san, if you are reading this right now, please stay strong, maroon won't want anything to happen to you because of him!


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