CDJapan- Site for Jpop/Games/Anime Goodies and more!

6_Jpop CDJapan

Monday, September 6, 2010

Compliement letter from customer!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!

i'm shocked....

tj had forward the email to me.
then when i went to office earlier to get the free gifts and the staff's watches, my bosses told me how happy they are with what i did... yamagishi even forward the email to Japan's side. i was like ,huh??????????????

then johnny told me something that made me even happier.

both him and yamagishi decide to give me an increment. Johnny told me i could just go to the G factory and choose any Baby G that i want, they will transfer it to the office and give me!!!!!!!

free watch!!!!!!!!!


and they want to treat me lunch this thursday!


i'm sooo happy, i did not expect these...

or rather, i did not expect that he would write in, i merely call an ambulance and accompany her only.... i thought normally people will do that???? or am i weird???

maybe it's because i'm used to following my dad to hospitals, helping him communicate and tagging along in ambulance for the past year....

guess i'm used to it?

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