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6_Jpop CDJapan

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

5th Oct: Rock'n'Roll Circus Final Tour

i still can't believe this!

i got A block seats for the concert! 6th row!!!

it's so near to the stage and ayu is so near!

i'll never dream that i can get sooo near!

but i merely had a hunch that i will get better seats then last time, but i never expect this!

it's was like a 6th sense, telling me to go to the concert, and on this day...

dad has left us for 1 year, exactly one year, it's creepy

how should i put this feeling to words....

but just a hunch, and it feels like THIS is meant to be....

scary.... but....

i have to write this down before i go bed.

it's like dad gave me the chance to come to japan and to see ayu so close.
whenever i am sad or happy, ayu's songs had always stay by me, and even when dad left us, i was listening to who... and Memorial Address on the car to the hospital

when ayu was singing Memorial Address, i have this weird feeling that dad was around, somewhere around me, watching me...

thanks dad

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