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6_Jpop CDJapan

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hello Kitty! Genie at Puroland!

random pictures of genie at Puroland last week, 6th oct

at Puroland's Dr Kitty Lab on Twitpic
genie with mama kitty and papa kitty~ miao~ miao~ on Twitpic
me with Hello Kitty on Twitpic

This is my future house! it will be something like this! hahahah!

i am having dinner at kitty's house! yum yum~ on Twitpic

THIS is amazing!!!

THIS IS AMAZING! lots and lots of kitty plushies! i want! i w... on Twitpic

i swear! i really want to buy this! but i have no space to keep it!!! bye kitty~
ultra cute kitty humpy dumpy plushies!  on Twitpic

i want a kitty camera! i want it free!!! if i know i would have tell my bosses i want this camera, rather then the Baby G watch!!! it's only in Japan!

yeah right.. i doubt they can get it for me... sad...

CASIO Z2000 camera, but it's pink HELLO KITTY !!!! on Twitpic

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